Current Grants

Dr. Anna MacLeod, Principal Investigator
Anna is currently leading two nationally-funded research studies.
You can read more about her role as a Co-Investigator below.

The experiences of under-represented in medicine (UiM) medical students: A meta-ethnography (2023 - 2024)
This study examines the lived experiences of Underrepresented in Medicine (UiM) students in medical school.
Using a meta-ethnographic approach, our international team will:
1) synthesize qualitative evidence related to UiM students’ experiences of medical school;
2) effectively mobilize findings to share outcomes with local, national, and international medical education decision makers; and
3) communicate strengths, gaps, and opportunities in the existing literature to identify future research agendas.
We are currently in the dissemination phase of our study. You can read our first offering, our Final Report, here.

Death and dying in Undergraduate Medical Education: An ethnographic critical discourse analysis (2020 - 2024)
This study is a four-year ethnographic investigation that follows a group of medical students through their degree.
Operating within a critical discourse analysis theoretical frame, we are analyzing curriculum, performing focused observations, and conducting in-depth interviews with students to explore discursive engagement with experiences of death in formal, informal, and hidden curriculum.
Our research questions are:
(1) How is death discursively constructed in formal curriculum?
(2) How is death discursively constructed in informal curriculum? and
(3) What are the influences of these discourses on medical students' well-being?
You can read an article about this work, "Case-Informed Learning in Medical Education: A Call for Ontological Fidelity," here.

Dr. Anna MacLeod, Co-Investigator
The promotions process as an act of power: An institutional ethnography of faculties of medicine in Canada (2023 - 2026)
Principal Investigator: Dr. Sophie Soklaridis
Grant Program: Partnership Development Grants, Insight and Connection
Funder: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC)
Co-Applicants: Constance LeBlanc, Anna Macleod, Beth-Ann Cummings, Teresa Chan, Boluwaji Ogunyemi, Mala Joneja, Erin Cameron, Maria Hubinette, Brett Schrewe, Lyn Sonnenberg, David Keegan, Ming-Ka Chan, Marilyn Baetz, Ayelet Kuper, Cynthia R. Whitehead, Kinnon MacKinnon. Collaborators: Babar Haroon, Rachel Kronick, Saleem Razack, , Catherine Cervin, Diane M. Lougheed, Jane Philpott, Christina St-Onge, Julien Poitras, Melanie Lewis, Jayna Holroyd-Leduc, Aliya Kassam, Valerie H. Taylor, Sara Israels, Jerry Maniate, Sharon Whiting, Pier Bryden, Gillian Hawker, Patricia Houston, Morag C. Paton, Pooitsing Andrea Lum, Suzan Schneeweiss.
Books By Heart: Can communal bibliotherapy on a cardiac inpatient unit reduce adverse outcomes at one year by bolstering patients’ self-efficacy and reducing anxiety and depression? (2023 - 2026)
Principal Investigator: Dr. Gabrielle Horne
Grant Program: Intentional Initiatives Award
Funder: Research Nova Scotia
Co-Applicants: AnSulaye Thakrar, Jafna Cox, Daniel Brandes, Anna MacLeod, Dominique Shephard, Justina Spencer, Caroline, King, Kristen Goldworthy, Natasha Breward, Stacy Pyke, Alex Liot, Chantelle Rideout